The King james version of the Bible is one of the most respected English translations of the Scriptures and thus is studied and used by many Christian denominations. Nevertheless, it is deemed as antiquated and archaic by some people due to the fact that it was produced using a 17th century vocabulary. The aim of the author of this updated version is to offer a more modern version to contemporary audiences. While the original King James version took the authors many years to complete, this new version was achieved in much less time, thanks to modern technologies. The author fed the original text to a specially-designed software called "Translator", which detected all the archaisms it found in the texts and created a list of verses that needed to be updated. Then, the author of the Translator program (who insist in remaining anonimous) compared these verses with Strong's Greek/Hebrew concordance (which is also available as an extra module for BibleMax) and inserted words which would be more comprehensible for modern readers. You can get this updated version of the Scriptures, along with many other Bible versions, commentaries, devotionals and other texts by ordering the free CD and paying only the duplication, printing, postage and handling costs.